Wills & Trusts Attorney
No one wants to think about the inevitable, and many people put off planning their estates until it is too late. Failing to plan your estate properly can lead to huge expenses and uncertainties for your loved ones and can even serve to divide your family.
Even not having something as simple as a power of attorney can lead to thousands of dollars in legal fees and court costs to establish a Guardian or Conservator if you become mentally disabled. A proper estate plan includes utilizing powers of attorney, living will, will, and various types of trusts to accomplish your desires and to ensure that your hard earned assets are passed down to the family members and others you want them to go to.
Free Initial Consultations are available to discuss a new will and trust or modification to an existing will or trust.
Failing to plan for your estate can also have serious tax consequences as well that can be reduced or even potentially avoided with a proper estate plan. Come in for a free consultation in one of our Utah locations to determine an estate plan that is right for you.