A sexual harassment charge is a serious situation. If you have been wrongfully charged with sexual harassment, it is important to take the steps to mitigate the damage and help to protect yourself through this process. An attorney will be a critical asset to guide you through this situation. By working with our team at the Rocky Mountain Law Office, you will have the appropriate guidance to ensure you maintain the best outcome during this situation. Here are a few important things to keep in mind if you have been charged with sexual harassment.
Understand Severity
First and foremost, it is incredibly important to ensure that you take any sexual harassment charges incredibly seriously. These charges can have long-term legal ramifications that can impact your life for years to come. Whenever you face a sexual harassment charge, you will want to ensure you consult with an expert for the appropriate guidance.
Hire a Great Attorney
Due to the severity of a sexual harassment charge, it is important to ensure that you hire a criminal defense attorney to guide you through the process. Ensure that you work with an attorney that has experience working in criminal defense cases to provide you with the appropriate representation and protection.
Collect Evidence
Charges ultimately rely on evidence. If you can prove that you didn’t perform the act that you are being charged with, you will want to gather as much evidence as you possibly can. This may include emails with the accuser, video surveillance of interactions you have had, and many other types of evidence. The more evidence you have, the better off you will be.
Learn About the Process
The more information you have about the process, the better prepare you will be for your situation. Do some research to ensure that you know as much as possible as you face a sexual harassment charge. You may also contact our office for more information about the steps that you need to take to achieve the best outcome in your specific situation.
Create a Timeline
Writing out a timeline can provide you with valuable evidence to face your case. When you have this timeline outlined, you will be better equipped to offer evidence as to where you were at any given point.
Make a List of Witnesses
A list of witnesses will help you to expedite your process. This will make it easier to contact your witnesses and streamline your case. This can be extremely beneficial in an array of situations.
Behaviors that may be Sexual Harassment
There are many behaviors that may be considered sexual harassment. These behaviors can have severe consequences in the workplace, so it is often necessary to consult with a professional attorney during this situation. Some of the behaviors that may be sexual harassment include unwelcome touching, comments on another person’s appearance, making jokes about sex, and discussing sexual activity. Quid pro quo situations, such as offering job security, a promotion, or raise in exchange for sex, are certainly sexual harassment and offensive gestures or language may also be considered sexual harassment.
When is Sexual Harassment a Crime?
When sexual harassment becomes a crime, it will be essential to ensure that you work with a criminal defense attorney. These situations can have incredibly long-term consequences, so it is critical to ensure that you understand the times in which sexual harassment crosses the criminal line. Criminal sexual harassment includes acts such as bullying, child pornography distribution, stalking, assault and battery, false imprisonment, and rape. If you are facing any of these charges, it is important to understand that there can be severe legal consequences. Other types of sexual harassment may have social and workplace repercussions, rather than involving legal concerns. Either way, it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney for guidance throughout this case.
Sexual harassment charges are incredibly serious. They can have a long-term impact on your life when they aren’t handled appropriately. Our team at the Rocky Mountain Law Office has the experience necessary to ensure that you are able to receive superior legal guidance throughout your sexual harassment situation. The services of a criminal defense attorney are essential to aid in this situation. To learn more about what to do if you have been charged with sexual harassment, contact us at the Rocky Mountain Law Office today!